Articles Thématiques

Olivier De SCHUTTER – Mission au Cameroun du Rapporteur spécial sur le droit à l’alimentation (16-23 juillet 2012) – Conclusions préliminaires 09-09-2015

Poussé par les bailleurs de fonds, l’État du Cameroun s’est désengagé des secteurs de production et partant, des subventions multiformes de l’agriculture. En réaction à cette situation, les paysans ont décidé de se prendre en main eux-mêmes en créant ou renforçant les associations locales. L’émergence des associations locales de toutes sortes et la multiplication des […]

Nkendah, R. (2013). Estimating the informal cross-border trade of agricultural and horticultural commodities between cameroon and its CEMAC neighbours. Food Policy, 41, 133-144. 09-09-2015

Cameroon is the first trading partner of the Economic and Monetary Community of Central Africa (CEMAC) countries. Despite belonging to the same sub-regional organization, the formal trade ties between Cameroon and its neighbours have been hampered by a combination of factors that have spurred the growth of informal (unrecorded) trade. Interest in cross-border trade of […]

Conceição, P., Fuentes-Nieva, R., & Levine, S. (2012). Africa human development report 2012: towards a food secure future. 27-03-2015

Due to misguided policies, weak institutions and failing markets, sub-Saharan Africa has millions of hungry and malnourished people. This first Africa Human Development Report 2012 seeks to look beyond direct causes of food insecurity, such as crop failure, to highlight the social and political dimensions that are inhibiting progress. It argues that policies should be […]

Articles Thématiques titre 1 27-03-2015

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